Trying my hand at even more pyrography! This one's for sale over on my Etsy store here!
I'm sorry I haven't been posting much lately! Truth is, I haven't had a whole lot happening lately apart from art and video games (hah, the usual then.) However, I'm off to Disneyland Paris this weekend with my boyfriend to celebrate our anniversary! We'll be gone for most the week, and then jetting straight off to Plymouth for a LAN event with his old comp sci society. I'm eager to get back into blogging more regularly, I think I need to set up a schedule really rather than just posting whenever something crosses my mind!
I've been burning boxes again! This time, a little circle shaped box featuring two adorable Poros from the video game League of Legends! Here they are, enjoying some Poro Snax in the snow!
I'm really enjoying pyrography, or woodburning. It's trickier than I thought it'd be (nothing's easy, I guess!) because the nip sometimes wibbles around the grooves in the wood and it's easy to make a smooth line. Still, I think my very first attempts are a pretty good start! This box has been embellished with gel pen and white pencil and it's currently for sale on my Etsy store! Tags:
Santa (by way of my mum) gifted me a lovely woodburning kit for Christmas, so naturally the first thing I tried was a My Little Pony! Here's Princess Luna! It was pretty difficult, because the grain of the wood kept making my lines uneven and bumpy, but it's a pretty good first attempt!
SOLD :) but I'll be doing more! Tags:
Allow me a little moment to get entirely too sentimental, and to write a post about imagination, about that silly, 'childish' belief in magic and magical things that dissipates far too quickly as we reach adulthood. That time when you believed in the Easter Bunny, in Father Christmas, or the Tooth Fairy. Those moments spent writing Christmas lists or carefully placing your tooth under a pillow. I'd like to talk about those those exact moments in time, and pinpoint that moment in your childhood where you believed, without question, in the existence of these beings. The belief in something magical, and special, and outside of our real world is something I'll defend well into adulthood. Because honestly? It's real. They're real. All of them.
Maybe I'm at that ripe old age where I don't believe in Santa Claus anymore, but that doesn't mean he never existed. Right? The truth is, I am highly emotional, I am extremely nostalgic and I am unreasonably, unflinchingly sentimental. Santa Claus to me was the magic on Christmas morning when I walked into the lounge and saw the pile of presents under the tree. He was the bells outside my window when I couldn't sleep, threatening me with his imminent arrival, and he was the note thanking me for the mince pies and sherry on Christmas morning. The Easter Bunny was the mischievous trickster who made treasure hunts that sent me all around the garden in the early hours, looking for eggs planted among the Spring flowers. He was the note that mentioned a 'Swedish family member', later revealing an egg hidden inside our family's Volvo. The Easter Bunny, right there, is that memory; a clue I didn't understand as a child, a moment in time captured forever in that memory. I doubt my parents remember it, I doubt my Dad recalls the night he wrote that particular clue. But it's here, forever, inside of me, stored away under the guise of Easter Bunny trickery. My adult self might 'know' the truth, but the memory doesn't have that knowledge. The memory never will. And there were so many others filed away with those. Firecracker, the stallion in the field opposite Dad's café. I never saw him, not really, but I'd spend ages looking for him while sat in our car, waiting for Dad to finish his business, as my mother pointed out he's just there!, can't you see? And she'd tell me to look a little closer. I nearly saw him, I think. I caught glimpses of him, at least. It doesn't matter that I now know, in my grown up-addled state, that those fields never housed horses, or any livestock, for that matter. The knowledge I have now doesn't come into it. Firecracker is as real as any other childhood memory. The dragon breath that burned the clouds turn red and pink in the evenings. The first star each night that actually answered wishes, should you ask. The pegasi that flew alongside the car when dad drove me places. The mysterious land my friend Amanda and I found across the stream and down a country alley. I remember those things, I remember them happening. Of course I do. Because they were real. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that if we're lucky, we believe in these things until we're about eight, nine years old, maybe? And, if we're lucky, we'll live to be in our 90s, maybe even reach the ripe old age of 100. That means we have nine years, out of ninety or a hundred, spent believing in something a little more. Only one tenth of our entire life will be spent believing in magic, and fairy tales, and superheroes, and bogeymen. Isn't that so disproportionate and sad? Shouldn't that mean we should prolong the moments of innocence and magic for as long as possible? Isn't that our duty? Hell, I am a grown up. There's no avoiding that now. I'm barely a 'young adult' anymore, but there's still this pinch in my heart, a tiny unreasonable, ridiculous hole in my heart that screams to my creative, artistic, dreamer's mind; what if Hogwarts is real? What if the books and the movies were written as a coverup, the ultimate double bluff? That J.K had known that something was up, all along? The same with The Doctor and his silly blue TARDIS. Is it all just a game? A daft ruse by the BBC to convince us it's just a TV show, yet all the while giving the facts right there, in our faces? What if The Doctor really, truly, is real? If I can't let go one-hundred percent, even as a rational, questionably sane adult, why are so many people so utterly complacent that their children are losing their fairy-tale dreams? When our time believing is so unavoidably limited to those brief few years of childhood, maybe priority should be put on enabling the dreams and daydreams of our children. Maybe time should be spent dedicated to enriching the fantasies and silliness of fairy tales and superheroes. Life is fast, and life sure is busy, but it's also pretty short in the scheme of things. Childhood is just a fraction of that, and if we can't make it last any longer, why don't we make it so much larger? Tags:
I know this is a little late, but Christmas and New Years kind of swept me up and I just seemed to run out of time to do, well, anything. I wanted to blog all about Christmas and how wonderful it was (and how I received a Canon Selphy for scrapbooking, a scanner for scanning my original art and a sewing machine so I can try making plushies - a very crafty Christmas!) but I just seemed to run out of time and it seems weird posting about Christmas now! 2014 was an odd year. It wasn't necessarily the best year in a lot of ways - Moose had to move home from Plymouth, and my conventions weren't nearly as successful as previous years. The year started full of promise and expectation and kind of fell flat because of those two things. I'm kind of going into 2015 anxiously and slowly, no conventions yet booked and no solid career plans right now. I'm hoping 2015 will be a big year of change for Moose and I, but nothing's set in stone and I absolutely hate the uncertainty of it all. Anyway, that's not to say 2014 wasn't full of fun and great times, too! In January...
I took part in Dryathon for Cancer Research, where I went sober for the whole month! I started reading Game of Thrones, and Moose treated me like a princess for our anniversary and surprised me with a candle lit, fully home cooked dinner. <3 In February... I was down in Plymouth again celebrating Valentines by way of bowling, video games and gorgeous Italian food. I also sold at Animanga Pop! and Mum and I went to Bath Vintage Fashion Show to scoop up some lovely vintage clothing! In March... Dad went away for his annual golf trip so Mum and I had a couple of girlie nights in watching Call the Midwife (complete with Babycham!) - we also saw Happy Days at the Bristol Hippodrome (which was... okay). Laura, Luke and I went to see Urinetown, a musical I've wanted to see live since I discovered it years ago, and it was amazing! In April... I was doing a whole lot of con prep for May Expo around the corner! We also went up to London for a day out as a sort of pre-birthday thing for Sarah, where we went to the Natural History Museum and fought the crowds to see dinosaurs (we didn't see any dinosaurs). In May... I sold at MCM Expo, of course! And Bristol Comic Con (which was hugely disappointing, sadly). May is usually my busy busy month! MCM was amazing because we went to an after hours Wildstar party which provided free food and drinks for everyone while also nerding out about Wildstar! It was probably my favourite MCM in terms of just plain having fun. I cosplayed as an Aurin from Wildstar and was recognised by nobody! haha In June... We celebrated DC's birthday with a lovely BBQ, as usual, where we played games, watched movies and, well, played more games. I also went up to Leicester with Laura to meet up with Archer and scope out the newest Ponycon venue. In July... My birthday! Shot down to Cornwall the day after my birthday for a week-long holiday with my best friends! We spent the week exploring the county, drinking cider, going down tin mines and playing video games, board games and roleplay games! Lots of gaming, lots of exploring. My wonderful friends also prepared a luau for me, complete with a spit roast pig (er, in cake form!), inflatable palm trees and corny luau music. It was so wonderful. Later in July I went up to Manchester with Luke and Moose, and stayed with friends while I sold at MCM Manchester for the first time ever! It was great! And I really need to get back to Manc more often because our friends up there rock and we hardly ever get to see them :( In August... I surprised Moose by booking tickets to go see 'Digital Revolution' for his birthday, which was a small exhibit on the history of video games. It was really fun and I'm so glad I found it in time to do something a little different for his birthday! We did our usual 'meet up and hang out' around Chinatown and ended the day playing card games in the pub with his old school friends. Later in the Month, I was up in Manchester again for BUCK, the UK Brony con, where I had an amazing time selling lots of pony things and nerding out with old pony friends! We also went to the Great Dorset Steam Fair but it was so muddy and rainy we didn't stick around long :P In September... Sarah, Luke and I went to Bridport Hat Festival, which was kind of disappointing, but it was fun hanging out doing something a little different for the day. The month ended with a weekend trip in London for Eurogamer and another viewing of Urinetown, hah! In October... I sold at Animanga Pop!, attended UK PonyCon and dorked out about plastic ponies. Our gaming buddy Anthony came over from Sweden to visit so I went up to London to hang out with him and his dad, and again I sold at MCM Expo in London - it was a nice busy month! In November... We went to the Gloucester Quays for the big Christmas fair/market/event they hold there. It was a lovely day out, but I can't wait to go back in 2015 because a few personal issues kind of took the shine off it for me and I spent most of the day distracted. Still, things bucked up and the following weekend I went to Bath Christmas Market with my besties, and did our usual jaunt up the Abbey at night. Truly beautiful. In December... My parents and I went to New York! You can read about it in the entries on this blog before this one! We also went to see Danny Elfman perform at the Royal Albert Hall again and I somehow didn't cry all the way through this time! I went to Hyde Park Winter Wonderland with Laura, and Moose came to visit for a few days around Christmas. I went up to London and had dinner with his parents after Christmas, and then Luke, Moose and I headed down to Plymouth to see in the new year with his old housemates. And that was 2014! Phew! <3 Tags:
Hi! I'm Selena an artist, blogger and gamer!
Dream Somehow is my little corner of the internet where I talk about life, the universe and everything! Here, you'll find travel, adventures, vintage style, life in the South West of England, a little bit of Disney dreaming and a whole lot of geeky nonsense. If you'd like to learn a little more about me, click here! Instagram
January 2021