I am so lucky to live where I do! The Vintage Nostalgia Festival is right on my doorstep and I couldn't be more excited! The Vintage Nostalgia Festival has now become one of my absolute 'must do' events on my calendar and I am so glad it doesn't clash with MCM Expo, which is usually the weekend before!
The Vintage Nostalgia Festival is a three day event here in Wiltshire covering all things vintage and retro, with a heavy emphasis on mid-century goodness! So, y'know, exactly my cup of tea! I've been there the past two years and I was so excited to go back this time. I keep saying I'll camp there for the whole weekend experience because I bet the night life is incredible, but so far we've only managed to visit for a day trip. One day! The event covers everything, from vintage cars, musicians, dances and dance classes to, of course, a ton of stalls selling all sorts of vintage and reproduction clothing, home-ware and other goodies. I fell in love with pretty much every dress I saw, but ended up only bringing home these two lawn flamingos, whom I've named Dotty and Lola! They'll be perfect for when Moose n' I get our own place together! Here are some lovely photos from the day! Dad usually comes along with us but this time it was just me and Mum, sadly. We ate burgers and drank beer and I even competed in a sack race! This event is so much fun! We're so lucky to live so close to it. I can't wait until next year!
Oh man, you guys.
After our last Secret Cinema event, Doctor Strangelove, left us rather disappointed, Moose and I said we'd only go again if we really liked the film they were showing. When Secret Cinema announced that their next event was going to be 28 Days Later we didn't think twice before booking tickets. We both love 28 Days Later, and this time we dragged three friends, all Secret Cinema virgins, to the showing, too. Now, last time you can read how Moose and I really didn't like how split up and lost we were during Doctor Strangelove. This time, the format was very different. Usually, Secret Cinema allocates you a role, a character you 'become' during the experience. This time, you were just "you". We didn't get a different job title, just the instructions to wear hospital scrubs and bring some necessary props (a sample of blood, for example.) The location was the same as before, in an old printing press near Canada Water station. We joined the queue and the moment we got in line, I knew it was going to be excellent. Around us were signs warning of the RAGE virus. As we waited to enter the building, a zombie came running towards us, only to be chased away and beaten down by armed security. We were in line to get our trial vaccinations, the last hope, really, of surviving the zombie outbreak. And it was awesome. Inside the building, we were given instructions, and our phones were secured in zip-lock bags. Secret Cinema has to remain some sort of secret, after all. We were warned of the dangers, and given a small drink to take, in the hopes that it might inoculate us from the virus. We were then lead into a room where we were instructed to lay down on the hospital beds and sleep. We'd be awoken and tested again, to see if the antidote had worked. In theory. Instead, we were "awoken" early, by a woman with a flashlight in the dark, who instructed us to follow her. In fact, she gave us one word, one vital instruction; RUN And so we ran. We ran around the building like our lives depended on it - because they bloody well did! We ended up running through various rooms that had been decorated to scenes in the film, first meeting a priest and later catching our breath in Frank and Hannah's apartment. We finally found the military and, yes, the women and men were separated. The women were chatted up by a slimy sergeant while the men were forced to do physical exercises such as pushups and kickboxing to show their worth to the military. Right after that, we were given some free time to look around, grab food (including some delicious halumi fries!), have a drink and relax. We went outside to get some fresh air, and then returned to the dark apocalyptic inside world to play some games and enjoy the zombie rave that was underway. Not long after we got back inside, the siren blared and it was finally time to watch the movie. We were escorted into a huge room where, instead of chairs, there were hospital beds. The screens were tilted on the ceiling, and we actually watched the whole film while laying down in bed! It was amazing! So relaxing after all that running around (and believe me, it was exhausting!), and so comfortable! It was an absolutely mindblowing way to watch 28 Days Later. The atmosphere was incredible and exhilarating. There were moments when we were genuinely startled, and genuinely running with gusto to get away from the zombie menace. It wasn't quite as scary as some horror mazes you might find during Halloween, but it told an excellent story and it was a fun adaption of the movie. It made for a wonderful day out, and I can't wait to see what Secret Cinema has lined up next! Tags:
No, Moose and I aren't breaking up, don't worry! But I've been reshuffling a few things online, including this blog and my Instagram account! For the longest time, I've wanted to keep everything together; my personal life and art life, as I kind of figured they overlapped enough that it wouldn't bother people too much to see crossposting. However, I found myself feeling guilty if I posted shameless fashion posts to Instagram when people had followed me there for art, and I feel weird putting art here on my blog when people are probably coming here for Disney trip reports, haha.
That said, I used this place as my primary URL to link on my business card, so when people took my card at conventions, they'd come here, looking for art - and while I do link my art gallery and such on here, I always felt like this place's primary focus was the blog, which very rarely was about art at all! So, while my art and life kind of do overlap a lot (I only ever draw silly video game characters and all I do in my spare time is play video games, after all!), I think it makes to finally split things up a little bit. So what does that mean? Well, basically, I've changed the URL for this place, which means Bloglovin' is currently very confused. I'm hoping to get the URL changed over soon! This place is now http://www.dreamsomehow.com, which is what I've been calling the blog, anyway. The focus here is going to be on life blogging and general nerdery, so expect game reviews, fashion posts, cosplay, adventures at Disneyland and various other fun things! My previous URL, http://www.reaperfox.com, now links directly to a website specifically devoted to my art and crafts! I'll update the blog there too, but primarily that site is going to act as a hub for where to find my art online (Tumblr, Instagram, etc.), as well as a vaguely professional portfolio with commission information! Woo! I really hope people enjoy the content I put out here on this blog! Now I've finally made this decision, I hope it's going to free me of the hangups I had with blogging. Crossposting art and lifestyle content might be for some folks, but I really don't think it's for me. As for Instagram, I've split that up too! I actually wanted to for ages, but I didn't want to log in and out of accounts all the time. However, I recently discovered that Instagram actually has as really handy 'switch account' feature on their app, so that solved the problem! My @reaperfox IG account is going to be specifically for art posts and I've created a new @dreamsomehow IG to compliment this blog! Please feel free to follow either or both, I'd really love my IG presence to grow a little more now I'm finally using it regularly (especially my @dreamsomehow account, which I'm trying to update every day!) Tags:
Yeesh, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to calling it ‘MCM London Comic Con’! For the longest time this convention was called MCM Expo and that’s the name that’s forever stuck in my mind! With another May over (hello, June!), it means that yet another London Comic Con has come and gone. For those of you who don’t know, London Comic Con (or MCM Expo) is the largest nerd con in the UK. It covers movies, television, comics and anime and it’s just getting bigger and better each year. I’ve been selling my art there since 2010. I first started out in Comic Village, which is an area that used to be called ‘Artists Alley’ and used to be the place independent artists could sell their work. Over the years, as the con has morphed and changed, Artists Alley turned into Comic Village with a focus on independently created comics. A whole bunch of artists who sold mainly prints and crafts decided to move into the dealer’s area, and I have to say the move has been pretty favourable for me! The tables in the dealer’s section are a lot more expensive, but you certainly get what you pay for. The extra money buys you a table that is twice as large, and you get so much more room behind you for storage and movement (believe me, space at this con is a luxury!) The dealer’s section also gets way more footfall from people desperate to part with their cash, and - most importantly - you can sell pretty much whatever you like there. This was my second time behind a dealer’s table at London MCM. I wasn’t in the best location in the world (mainly because tables sell out super fast and we had to book mine while on the Eurostar headed for Disneyland Paris, woops!) but I did well despite that! The dealers I was next to were lovely - one even gave me a little Delorean toy car as a thank you for being such a nice table neighbour! And it’s always so wonderful seeing my friends again as they come by. (Another awesome thing about having a table at conventions is having a sort of ‘home base’ that people can locate and plan around!) Friday was quite scary as sales were very, very low, and I was so worried it would be a trend for the whole weekend. Thankfully, Saturday picked up and by Sunday I had actually had one of my most successful conventions!
As usual, I didn’t take nearly as many photos as I wanted to, I didn't get to leave my table much apart from to get lunch and attend a couple of panels while Luke kindly watched the table for me. Usually, I manage to escape to see the League of Legends cosplay meet, but this year it clashed with a panel for 'Being Human' which is a show I used to adore! And they had the whole original cast there, which was pretty neat! Sarah and I went to a panel for that, and then I also went to an 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D' panel, terrified the finale might be spoiled (Moose and I haven't seen the last few episodes yet, eep!) Fortunately, the cast are all utterly professional and they didn't let anyone ruin anything for us (though a fan did manage to hint at what happens in the finale, which was annoying enough!) This year's MCM was super smooth. Entry didn't seem like the mess it usually is, organisation was pretty much on point. Luke, Sarah, Moose and I all stayed in an apartment down the DLR line which worked out so well for us - we used to cram a bunch of us into a local hotel to keep things affordable, but the hotels have started cracking down on that and last year we got caught out. The apartment only took twenty minutes, door-to-door, and worked out not very much more than a hotel would have been. Plus, it meant we had somewhere to hang out and play games in the evening and somewhere to make bacon sandwiches in the morning. Brilliant! Tags:
Hi! I'm Selena an artist, blogger and gamer!
Dream Somehow is my little corner of the internet where I talk about life, the universe and everything! Here, you'll find travel, adventures, vintage style, life in the South West of England, a little bit of Disney dreaming and a whole lot of geeky nonsense. If you'd like to learn a little more about me, click here! Instagram
January 2021