Here's a new piece I doodled a while ago and finally got around to finishing up! I've called it 'Bounce n' Pounce' because both Rengar and Gnar are pretty bouncy and, well, pouncy! I'd say there's no escaping these two! I wanted a very simple background, and I ended up using some brushes from Katikut for the grass (as well as *whispers* the default Photoshop grass brush, don't judge!)
Prints are available, and I'll of course have this for sale at MCM Expo this May! I've also uploaded it onto my Redbubble site as I think it makes a killer shirt design!!
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Hi! I'm Selena an artist, blogger and gamer!
Dream Somehow is my little corner of the internet where I talk about life, the universe and everything! Here, you'll find travel, adventures, vintage style, life in the South West of England, a little bit of Disney dreaming and a whole lot of geeky nonsense. If you'd like to learn a little more about me, click here! Instagram
January 2021